45Children are a treasure from the Lord, and at LFC we consider helping children come to know Jesus and follow Him as one of our greatest privileges and most important callings.

Please register your child(ren) for any of our Children’s Ministries by completing the following forms:
For desktop users: (Form includes the Parent Consent / Medical Release Form)
For mobile users: (Please complete both forms)
Sunday School: 10:45 – 11:45 am
Classes meet throughout the school year. Classes are available for Pre-K, Kindergarten – 12th Grade, from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. The classes are for all ages (preschool-adults). Children are offered a solid Biblical perspective on life while learning many of the traditional Bible stories.
Junior Church: Available during the Service
A ministry for children ages 3 through 6. At this age, the children have outgrown the nursery, but many of them are not ready to sit through the entire Worship Service. Junior Church helps them make this transition and provides them the opportunity to learn on their level. The children attend the first half of Sunday Morning Worship with their parents and then are dismissed during the second half for Junior Church.
Kid’s Church
Children ages 7-9 also have a special time during the worship service to learn about the fundamentals of the Christian Faith.
We provide loving nursery care for infants through 2 years old. The nursery is located in Room 205 on the upper level, near the sanctuary. When you arrive, our friendly, trained nursery volunteers will check in your child. All nursery rooms can be viewed anytime on a monitor located in the hallway.
Church Fellowship Dinner: 6 PM
Join us for a delicious dinner in the gym on the lower level. The church provides the entire meal including drinks and dessert. The fee is $4 per person / $15 per family.
Children Discipleship Groups: 6:45-8 PM
Christian Service Brigade: This is a hands-on, project oriented activity for boys from K-12 . Bible lessons, a project and an activity complete the evening.
Pioneer Girls: Each week in Pioneer Girls, Grades 1-6, the girls will participate in a Bible Exploration program, which includes Scripture memory. They also work on badges for activities that encompass every phase of their lives, including sports, hobbies, arts & music, outdoor skills and personal care.
Challenge!: Girls in 7th & 8th Grades will be part of a Bible Study. They will also work on community service projects and enjoy group activities.
Scooters: This is a program for kids ages 4 – Kindergarten. There are age-appropriate activities, a Bible lesson, snack and a craft each week.
Skippers: This is a program for kids ages 2-3. There are age-appropriate activities, a Bible lesson, snack and a craft each week.
Nursery We provide loving nursery care for infants through 2 years old. The nursery is located in Room 205 on the upper level, near the sanctuary. When you arrive, our friendly, trained nursery volunteers will check in your child. All nursery rooms can be viewed anytime on a monitor located in the hallway.
If you have any questions regarding our Children’s Ministries, please contact Sue Bates at: sbates@lfc.org.
Upcoming Events
Indoor Rock Climbing Event: February 22nd
February 28th, 6 PM
kids check-in system:
If you have a child in Nursery, Jr. Church, or the MOMS class, please download the KidCheck app and create an account. The check-in system allows parents to add specific individuals authorized to pick up children, as well as all information about the child including allergies.